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كليمات اغنية i want , اغنية هادية خالص

كليمات اغنية I Want- اغنية هادية خالص 14513 1

الاغنية دى روعة و اللى محليها اكتر صوت سيلينا


[Verse 1]


You’re on my mind


Been there all night


I’ve been missing seeing my midnight queen


Come have a drink


Or maybe three




Darling I’ll make you my next victim


It’s been too long to spend this night alone


I need to hear the sweet sound of your moans


Come have a ride, baby don’t be so shy


I prefer girls who’re not afraid to cry




I want to


Ah ah ah


To make you


Ah ah ah


You make me


Ah ah ah


In your sexy skinny jeans (x2)


[Verse 2]


It’s been too long to leave me on my own


I need to hear the sweet sound of your moans


Come have a ride, baby give me your thighs


I prefer girls who’re not afraid to cry




I want to


Ah ah ah


To make you


Ah ah ah


You make me


Ah ah ah


In your sexy skinny jeans (x2)


I want to (Ooh)


Ah ah ah


To make you


Ah ah ah


You make me

كليمات اغنية I Want- اغنية هادية خالص 14513

(I wanna do to you the things I shouldn’t wanna do)


Ah ah ah


In your sexy skinny jeans


I want to (Ooh)


Ah ah ah


To make you


Ah ah ah


You make me (I wanna do to you the things you make me wanna do)


Ah ah ah


In your


الكليمات الاغنية i want

اعراض حساسية القمح , ممكن الشخص يتولد بيها
كلمات اغنية يا بنات , ايه الدلع ده

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